Diary Dates
The following events have been identified as ones to be supported by the Club. Full event details will be posted when available.
9th – 13th May 2022 – Operation Manx Cat
Location: Isle of Man
This trip is to visit the Isle of Man RMPA branch and to take in the sites and scenes around the Island, visiting some iconic locations as a group.
Additionally during the trip members will visit Peel and pay their respects at the resting place of Cpl Mike “Gilly” Gilyeat who lost his life in Afghanistan in May 07.
The trip will be a four night stay and details of hotel accommodation has yet to be confirmed. Those attending are also welcome to make their own plans and arrange their own accommodation. Hotel accommodation will have to be pre-booked directly with hotels.
There is no strict itinerary planned other than the meeting with the RMPA and the visit to Peel Cemetery (both tbc)
We would appreciate any past knowledge of the IoM from anyone coming to maximise visitor experience to the Island.
Saturday 2nd October 2021 – Ride to the Wall
Location: National Arboretum Memorial
The Ride to the Wall is a unique motorcycling fundraising ride with a dedicated service of remembrance that provides an opportunity for all motorcyclists to ride as an organised group to the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire to pay their respects and recognise the sacrifice made by servicemen and women whose names are engraved on the Wall of the Armed Forces Memorial.
Individuals are required to pre-register with the Ride to the Wall Event Organisers and arrange meetup locations. https://www.rttw.org/catalog/product.php?CI_ID=53